Swansea Christmas parade
Nov 2019
An estimated 60,000 people lined the streets of Swansea to witness the annual Christmas parade. They saw hundreds of local people take part in the parade as the festive season was ushered in.The event formed part of the 50th anniversary city status celebrations.
As part of the 50th celebrations, Swansea council went all out this year and put on a show, the likes have not been seen before in Swansea. As well as two dedicated performance stages, 21 of the floats either had a fixed P.A. system or a portable P.A. system.
As usual, Total Sound Solutions were called on to support this event. We set up two stages, encompassing full P.A. systems, lighting and temporary power solutions, as well the stages themselves. These were engineered during the event and we looked after the presenters, bands, musicians as well as the numerous performing choirs.
We also set up 14 floats with a fixed P.A. system, run by small generators attached to the floats. Each set up was different depending on what the floats wanted to achieve and the specific layout of the float. With each float set designed differently, we had to ensure that the P.A. fit in with the design, was as inconspicuous as possible whilst still providing the output required. There was much consultation, weeks in advance of the parade to achieve this.
We also provided single, portable, battery powered P.A. systems for 7 floats, giving the performers the music to sing and dance along with.
Along side this, once again we projected the 50th logo onto numerous buildings throughout the city, showcasing the celebrations.
Once the parade had finished, we packed down the stages and cleared every P.A. , giving the city back to the council the same night. A long day but a great way to get into the festive mood.